Specific Defect Analysis
Price to be agreed depending on your inspection and reporting requirements, which I would be happy to discuss with you.

An investigation of a building to identify the cause of a defect in order to inform an appropriate repair. For example, this could be an area of dampness within a building which you would like to remove. The investigation would try to ascertain which type of dampness it is i.e. rising, penetrating, leaking pipes, condensation or a combination of these, trying to locate the source of the damp and then working out the best way of combating this which could involve a number of solutions.
I find that this type of work is usually best undertaken on a time charge basis as I may be able to provide advice quickly on site in some circumstances and this fee basis can provide best value for money for clients.
I can provide advice verbally on site followed up in an e-mail or in a letter report as per your requirements.